Tyrese Gibson stars as Tyson in the new musical drama film Black Nativity. The film stars an African American ensemble cast featuring Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J Blige, Jacob Latimore and Nas.
A street-wise teen from Baltimore who has been raised by a single mother travels to New York City to spend the Christmas holiday with his estranged relatives, where he embarks on a surprising and inspirational journey.
Tyrese Gibson and Jacob Latimore in Black Nativity
Tyrese talks about the film:
"We all wake up every day with big smiles, big energy but most of us have real situations on our minds. Disappointments, issues, conflicts and insecurities. There is so much stuff that gets exposed in this movie, I think it is going to force a lot of people and families to have those conversations they have been running away from because you can only be so busy before stuff catches up to you."
Tyrese at the Black Nativity Premiere in New York